Our story

Ranger EV evolved from work in the ecobadlandz innovation lab and is the result of thousands of miles of EV travel field research. We traveled in and hosted various vehicles, including our electric Rivian pickup truck, the Green Machine, to identify barriers to fossil-fuel-free travel in the Pacific Northwest and beyond.

By far, the biggest problem we and our fellow EV travelers faced was the “charging anxiety” we experienced at some of our favorite adventurous travel destinations like the Oregon Coast and the Teton Valley.  After many negotiations with RV park owners about the cost to plug in our EVs overnight, the solution became clear—make energy transactions between EV travelers and our hosts frictionless and build a recreational charging network by turning all our favorite places to stay into Ranger Stations™.

Our team

Brian Clark MD, PhD


Dr. Clark is a passionate outdoor enthusiast and pursuer of positive change for the planet. He brings an extensive background in neuroscience and hands on experience in medicine and neuroradiology to his innovative leadership style now focused on climate-tech. He can’t wait for Ranger EV to be available at all his favorite surf spots up and down the Oregon Coast.

Brian Boshes, MBA


Brian Boshes has built and led scalable software solutions for over 15 years in the B2B, B2C, and B2B2C space. With a recent MBA from Portland State, he is excited to be building something brand new in the PNW contributing to our national clean energy revolution. As an EV owner and father of two, he’s excited to be building the solution for electrifying his own family’s travels.

Brandon Gallagher


Brandon Gallagher is an experienced Product Management and Software Development leader, delivering custom software to early stage ventures and global organizations. He has an engineering background, an MBA from University of Washington, and a passion for building products that make business more efficient.

Our mission

As a public benefit corporation, our mission at Ranger EV is to accelerate the transition to sustainable practices in travel and outdoor recreation by building products that facilitate decarbonization/electrification of the economy, inspire environmental conservation, and minimize environmental harm.